Notes from Klaus Lemke

Knowledge is Not Capability


The feline in the photo is my daughter’s cat. The cat is reaching for the door knob because she has learned through observation that humans in house can open doors ...

Knowledge is Not Capability2019-07-19T13:01:38-05:00

Did You Really Get a Commitment?


Part of our coaching with project teams, organizations and individual leaders is teaching the practice of making and receiving reliable commitments. This single concept underlies most successful Last Planner® System ...

Did You Really Get a Commitment?2019-04-12T08:47:31-05:00

Batches and Takt and Flow…Oh My!


In recent weeks, I’ve had several conversations with clients about using smaller batches and takt planning as part of their pull planning sessions on projects. I’m convinced that this thinking ...

Batches and Takt and Flow…Oh My!2019-01-22T12:40:27-06:00

Better Building Distributed at the LCI Congress in Orlando


It’s been a few weeks since Better Building was distributed at the LCI Congress in Orlando. Thanks to everyone who reached out with their positive feedback. I’m so excited that ...

Better Building Distributed at the LCI Congress in Orlando2018-11-15T08:52:34-06:00