Yearly Archives: 2016

Pilot Lean Projects – Leadership is Important


When considering which project is a candidate for your first Lean project, carefully consider who will be leading this transformation day-to-day. Whether your enterprise is an owner, builder, or architect ...

Pilot Lean Projects – Leadership is Important2016-10-21T08:20:59-05:00

Last Planner Weekly Coordination Meeting Agenda Item


At a minimum teams review make ready needs (using a six-week look ahead and constraint log), learning metrics (such as Percent Plan Complete and Tasks Made Ready), and the Weekly ...

Last Planner Weekly Coordination Meeting Agenda Item2016-10-20T08:27:37-05:00

Lean Design Conversations – A Call for Clarity


A reason Lean in design feels difficult is that the industry has a babelesque understanding about the work to be accomplished. In conversations with architects and engineers declarations of completed ...

Lean Design Conversations – A Call for Clarity2016-10-19T08:19:38-05:00

LCI Congress Note – Continuous Improvement


Having a consistent, deliberate approach to continuous improvement is a vital Lean practice. Be careful to design continuous improvement efforts so that countermeasures can readily be identified, tested and if ...

LCI Congress Note – Continuous Improvement2016-10-14T08:53:28-05:00

LCI Congress Notes – Avon Hospital


There were many good project sessions at the Lean Construction Institute Congress earlier this month. The following lessons and insights were offered by the Cleveland Clinic Avon Hospital team: Start ...

LCI Congress Notes – Avon Hospital2016-10-13T08:17:36-05:00

The Lean Hero


The following quote in a company newsletter is from a client praising the company (name withheld to protect the bulk thinkers). "It is hard to estimate the number of after-hour ...

The Lean Hero2016-10-10T08:11:08-05:00

Commitment, Accountability and the Last Planner


There was a short and unfinished conversation regarding accountability at a recent meeting. Many people are attracted to the reliable promising component of the weekly work planning by last planners ...

Commitment, Accountability and the Last Planner2016-10-09T08:14:03-05:00

Lean Construction Institute Congress Preview


There will plenty of good sessions to choose from next week at the LCI Congress in Chicago. Four of them I can recommend - two because I have seen the ...

Lean Construction Institute Congress Preview2016-09-30T08:38:22-05:00

Why Project Teams Use Coaches


It’s widely understood that Olympic athletes, medal winners and contenders alike, rely on coaches to help them set and achieve their goals. They do so because to optimize their training ...

Why Project Teams Use Coaches2016-09-27T08:00:27-05:00

Optimize Project Performance with Lean Construction


Lean Construction optimizes project performance. Traditional Design, Bid, Build rests on a crazy assumption; The least expensive project results from selecting the lowest bid from a general contractor, the one ...

Optimize Project Performance with Lean Construction2016-09-27T07:30:51-05:00